Oldradioshowscom 38 Take It Easy on Yourself Andy Taylor

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  1. Andy Taylor, the original guitarist for Duran Duran, had a top 30 US hit with the 1986 song "Take It Easy".

    I know it was released on CD via the American Anthem Soundtrack, but that goes for big bucks these days judging from Amazon ($53.88 for a used copy).

    It was also released as part of some Duran Duran fan club twice in 2004 and 2006 (I think) as part of an extended version of his 1987 album Thunder...with the 2006 edition containing the single version, the rock version, and the extended version. From what I can tell, these generally run between $25 - $35 or higher.

    From what I can tell...that's it.

    The Top40musiconCD web site only lists this track as being on the American Anthem soundtrack so I'm pretty sure that there were no other US releases for the track.

    I was wondering if anyone is aware of any non-U.S. compilation that has Andy Taylor's "Take It Easy" for a reasonable price?


    PS -- I thought I had found the easy way out when I found that Andy had a bandcamp site with the extended version of Thunder...but it appears that you can only stream the tracks -- there's no purchase option (maybe my browser at work is 'off')...you can check it out here:


    I could capture the stream, but I believe BC streams at 128 kb/s.

  2. Synthfreek

    Synthfreek I'm a ray of sunshine & bastion of positivity

    There are a few American Anthem soundtracks on Discogs for $29.99.
  3. I saw them, but I'm trying not to spend $30 for one track.

    At worst, I'll probably try to track down the extended Thunder CD...at best, I'd like to buy FLAC files of all three tracks from his BandCamp site (if they were for sale).

  4. Guessing Vinyl is not an option ? as the 45 runs about $2 & the 12" about $5
  5. are you only looking for the song on CD? I've got the LP - and judging from my recent record store browsing, the LP (in mint condition) is not hard to find at all for under $5.
  6. Right -- just on CD.

    I'm putting together my own compilation of the best of Duran Duran and I'm including the Arcadia and Power Station hits along with "I Do What I Do" by John Taylor and "Take It Easy". I have a pretty good vinyl rip of the single and the rock mix, but when I compare it to the other tracks it's pretty limp. I could compress it to death to get it to match the other tracks (all from digital), but it's still lacking.

  7. Those "fan club" things were bootlegs...

    I gave up and got the MP3 from Amazon a few years ago...figure it will be rereleased on CD at some point.

  8. It's funny that this is one of those Top 40 hits that seems to have been abandoned -- it makes me we wonder who owns the rights (not Andy I'm guessing).

    You would think that this track would have popped up on any number of compilations in the 90s when the racks were stuffed with this type of stuff!

  9. I checked Amazon (US), but I'm only seeing two 'in the style of Andy Taylor' karoake options o_O.
  10. Wow...they must have stopped carrying it. I just checked my Amazon cloud and it's in there...Take It Easy and When The Rain Comes Down.
  11. I can't find it anywhere digitally (legally) -- The only reason I can think of that it would be removed is due to an ownership change...or maybe the company that added it initially didn't have legal rights to offer it for sale and it was removed...and then never added back for sale after the fact.

    A Duran2 wiki lists a 2009 compilation on iTunes for Andy Taylor and the Expensive Rejects -- and this includes the three versions of "Take It Easy" too and that compilation is now nowhere to be found either.

  12. Jerry

    Jerry Grateful Gort Staff

    Couldn't find him doing "Take It Easy", but found him doing "Going Down The Road Feeling Bad."


    My apologies for being a wise-guy, but your thread title just make a smile.

  13. I bought the Thunder extended version a couple of yrs ago from Amazon.. I'm surprised that it's not available any more..
    I should have bought multiple copies, It was only $8 at the time.. Janet Jones dancing in the video was entertaining too.
  14. I realize I'm quite late to this party but I just scored a remastered version of Thunder that has "Take It Easy" and a few other extra tracks on it. Bought it from someone in Russia for $21. It's a real odd disc, the printing on the disc looks like the original Obi version without the extra songs printed but lo and behold, they're there. Very interesting and I haven't seen it for less than $50 since. It's not a horrible album, there's a part of me that appreciates the AOR from time to time and this fits the bill.
  15. I believe that is a bootleg...
  16. I have this too - I think it is a bootleg too.
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Source: https://forums.stevehoffman.tv/threads/help-me-find-andy-taylors-take-it-easy.349723/

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